IMPORTANT: As of Crystal Eye 4.0, Firewall Section has been deprecated and removed. It is recommended to use Advanced Firewall ( instead.
Crystal Eye’s Firewall category consists of three applications namely, Custom Firewall, DMZ Firewall and Egress Firewall. While Custom Firewall and Firewall Applications come with the default settings of Crystal Eye, the DMZ Firewall needs to be installed from the Marketplace. These three Applications can be used to Configure Advanced Firewall Rules, Assign DMZ Incoming Connections, Assign DMZ Pinhole (DMZ to LAN) Connections, Allow Incoming Connections and Block Incoming Connections. The Firewall platform of Crystal Eye is uniquely designed to work together with the Intrusion Protection System/Intrusion Detection System (IPS/IDS) - this increases the capabilities of the Firewall to repel attacks and boost the existing infrastructure.
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